Siebensterngasse 42
1070 Wien

The kosmos frauen.raum in Vienna, Austria - "her-story"


At the dawning of the third millennium there are still few women who work as acknowledged directors, poets, playwrights, composers, sculpturers or painters. Women ought to claim their part in history and presence.The kosmos frauen.raum supports women who produce art, who involve themselves in political issues and economical questions.

To insure that female artists can reach the same public attention as male artists, they need more than laws on equal rights, they need public space and action. Women-friendly cultural-politics needs a fundamental unterstanding of social and cultural gender-differences. The kosmos frauen.raum invites female artists to communicate, to produce their art at the kosmos frauen.raum and to link with other artists who use the kosmos frauen.raum with a view on equal footing and gender mainstreaming in the arts and cultural questions.

In 1997, while a referendum on women's issues took place in Austria, a small group of women artists founded the association LINK* - demanding a stronger impact on feminism in the Austrian public, specially in arts and politics. Soon LINK* started out claiming a centre of arts, politics, sciences as well as economics, all in all dedicated to women and their particular biographies and lifestyles, utopias and visions. Soon the support arose from all parts of society and made clear how strong the need for a theatre & arts-centre focusing on women's topics in the late 1990s were. "Frauen brauchen Raum - women need space" was the credo LINK* taught to the Austrian public. After nearly two years of negotiations and discussions with the Austrian government and the urban Viennese government, the official Austria, gave in and presented the "Rondell", a former cinema right in the centre of Vienna, as the future homebase to the LINK* women and dozens of hopeful artists. But it was still too early to celebrate a victory: the promise was easily broken by the government and so LINK* supported by sympathetic artists, squatted the "Rondell" for the next months. Performances, readings, concerts as well as actions of protest took place, not only at the "Rondell" but soon all over Vienna (including even the airport). Finally LINK* found the former cinema "Kosmos" suitable to substitute the "Rondell. After years of struggle LINK* found its home at the former "Kosmos"-cinema and soon became the kosmos frauen.raum. Doors opend on may 15th 2000 with a magnificent and widely recognized party. The kosmos frauen.raum is located in one of the most liveliest quarters of Vienna, a neighbourhood which is also well-known as "Spittelberg".

Hosting the kosmos gallery, two bars called the kosmos.cantinetta and free internet access for everybody and of course, the the kosmos frauen.raum is located on three newly designed floors. women-artists have finally found a place were they can organize themselves, women play the important parts at the kosmos frauen.raum. according to the fact that women still earn a third less than men, the female audience gets a discount of 30% on all tickets.

The programme at the kosmos frauen.raum is framed in cycles, meaning the exibithions, discussions, readings as well as the plays are circling one theme, e.g. "body, soul, mythos" (autumn 2000). The "brainstorming", an monthly open forum welcomes everyone to bring new ideas to the kosmos frauen.raum. Ideas and visions on future projects get an audience and soon they may become part of the kosmos programme. The kosmos frauen.raum is no "women only"-place, it far more follows the idea that men should "open their eyes", learn about feminism and the female links in the arts and politics on the brink of the new millennium. Although the artistic programme at the kosmos frauen.raum has a great variety and is one of the most colourful programmes in Vienna, the official institutions do not support the kosmos frauen.raum with appropriate funds. There has always been trouble getting decent financial support by the long term government of the "big coalition", and the current conservative government does not ease the financial situation of the kosmos frauen.raum either. Since their declared goal is to reduce the Austrian budget-deficit, artistic projects and intiatives like the kosmos frauen.raum are among those who lose benefits first. Therefore the kosmos frauen.raum is still searching for sponsors who can support this unique theatre project and help making it independent. To ensure that kosmos frauen.raum will play itself into a prosperous future it'll continue to write "her-story".

Evelyn Steinthaler



Sorry, but at the moment we canntor afford to launch our site in english - but in the real kosmos all members do speak english... so: you are welcome!


"We don’t ask for it, we do not beg,
we demand it, it belongs to us!"



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